Professional Development Tool

DEEP Development Kit: Elevate Your Teaching Practice

Welcome to the DEEP Development Kit, an innovative tool designed to transform your teaching experience. Developed with educators in mind, our kit offers a unique, evidence-based approach to improving your teaching practice through professional noticing.

Simply set up the camera and microphone in your teaching environment and record your lessons. After recording, return the kit, and our team will transform into a professionally edited video.

Watch your recorded lessons and use the SCRIPT framework as a guide for analysis. Each aspect of SCRIPT corresponds to a crucial element of teaching, prompting focused reflection.

After reviewing, reflect on your observations and apply insights to improve future lessons. SCRIPT guides this reflective process, supporting changes in specific areas of your teaching.

Why use the DEEP Development Kit?

The DEEP Development Kit helps you harness the power of professional noticing. As you review your lessons, you'll gain valuable insights that might be missed during the flow of a live class. This can lead to improved teaching practices, more effective classroom management, and enhanced student learning.

Evidence of Impact

At DEEP Professional, we believe in evidence-based practices. Several studies indicate that video-based self-reflection is a powerful tool for professional development. For instance, a study published in the Journal of Teacher Education demonstrated that video-based self-reflection significantly enhances teachers' self-efficacy and instructional practices.

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